The goalkeeper of Indian national football team and Prayag United football club: Subrata Paul has been arrested by the police in Calcutta on Tuesday night. As told by the police, he had a visit to Dakshineswar Temple near Calcutta with his wife and in laws where he had a spat with other devotees and then with the security personnel. Incident became bigger when his father-in-law Debashish Mukherjee, who is also an Indian national level football player, blamed security personals of misbehaving him and his family. However, security personnel have their own say, they said, Mukherjee himself was dunked and misbehaved with the security personnel and other devotees creating havoc in the temple premises. That’s why they had to intercede and finally arrested Subrata Paul. Paul, however, released on bail after the mediation of sport’s mister in this matter. Later, both Paul and his father in law denied all the allegations leveled by the police against them, they said, none of theme was drunk … [Read more...]
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